Hillary Sanchez

Adults |College Students
Teens | Couples | Families | College Students

Private Pay: $100

I am currently an intern in the process of becoming a licensed professional counselor.

I hold a Bachelor’s of Science in International Studies from the University of Oklahoma. I also hold a Master’s of Science in International Agriculture from Oklahoma State University. After being a stay at home mother for a few years, I felt called to pursue counseling and feel like it is exactly what I am meant to be doing. I am currently in the process of finishing my Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Divine Mercy University. I will be awarded a degree after internship in August 2023.

I believe that every person has an authentic need to be known and loved. I also firmly believe that every person has an innate dignity and goodness that needs to be uncovered and affirmed. I believe that when we are known and received that we can flourish as people. My goal is to provide a safe, secure, relationship for my clients to experience being known, affirmed, and ultimately not alone in their struggles.
I want my clients to feel safe to process hard things in their life, judgement free. My hope is to offer counseling sessions that allow me to walk alongside clients as they navigate the hardships and difficulties they may be experiencing. I desire for my sessions to be client-driven and client-centered, leaving clients with a newfound sense of freedom and hope for their lives.





2212 Westpark Dr
Norman, OK 73069